Someone asked me to do a mini-presentation on ‘journaling’. That’s a new term for me but I like it so I’ll use it. What this site has always been about is sharing my ideas and knowledge, right? Posting on a regular basis could be termed journaling but I’ve chosen to keep that term separate from what I normally do here. For the presentation I’ll concentrate on more personal things, similar to a diary, memoir or autobiography. To me that’s real journaling so here’s the start of a short series on that.
The topic of journaling ties in with something else I’m working on these days, that being helping older people share their life experiences with the world. In my volunteer work, I met two ladies who happened to be 104 years old. I was both honoured and stunned. One of the ladies needed some assistance when we met but the other came on her own and seemed very spry, that’s an old word for ‘not looking or acting old’, I suppose. After they left, I thought wow, what memories those two have! What was going on in the world in the 1920s? Post WWI, before the Depression, what were people eating or drinking? So many questions and really, so little time to get those memories out.
Consider this a continuing set of explanations as to why YOUR life story is important. I’m 72 at the time of this writing. Even at my age, old enough but nowhere near 104, I have a very unique set of memories. Did you know I went to a one-room school? (Only for a week but back then there were still schools where all the grades were in one room.)
So stick around, visit regularly and we’ll sort this out together. Oh, and while you’re at it, go to the dollar store and get some notebooks and a bunch of pens. Spread them around your home so that when inspiration hits, you don’t let it pass you by. Jot down a few words, even one thought that can be expanded when you have time.
Brian Mahoney