Yesterday was my first IT session at Momiji, the charity where I volunteer. After I helped a few people, I tried to think of a simple, easy way to ask a question. It seemed to me that I could use the comment form below every post to receive questions. Response…
Lions,Tigers and Bears! – My first day in IT training was tons of fun.
I’ve volunteered to help seniors with IT problems and questions and today was the first session. Lovely people, nice setting and I was able to help a few people my first time out. But I have a lot to learn. My ‘boss’ couldn’t believe that I didn’t use Excel, for…
Back to Basics – Computer basics, that is
I started this version of to expand my thoughts on ‘writing as a hobby for seniors’. That was the topic of a seminar that I’m doing this month at Momiji, here in Toronto. Last week I got a request to help out with SIB, Seniors IT and Beyond. Since…
How to Save a Life – It’s easier than you think.
On one hand, I’m lucky to have O- blood running through my veins. O- is what’s known as the universal blood type because anyone, anywhere in the world can have a transfusion of O- blood. On the other hand, if I need a blood transfusion, only O- blood will keep…