This time of the year in Canada is a period of reminiscing with friends and family. ‘Remember when…’ is often heard in our conversations. In other parts of the world these feelings might come up at a different time for a different holiday. Maybe it’s the New Year, maybe a…
It’s Sunday, Time to Sum Up the Week – Why journaling is beneficial for seniors
A simple summing up on a very cold and frosty Sunday morning here in Toronto. I still managed to walk 4 KM, get Wordle in 2 guesses and perfect on Connections and Quizl. Each of those games is linked so if you’re looking for a challenge, check them out. Your…
My Buddy Don – Another reason why you should start a journal
Don is my best friend in Toronto. He’s over 80 but still very young at heart. Don is a storyteller non pareils, that’s French for unparallel. I’ve been bugging him to start writing out his stories for a few of reasons. First, they’re often funny. He told me about a…
Canadian history - Japan - Journaling - Life of Brian - Mastodon - Oral/Written History - Uncategorized - Writing
Recording Personal Histories Digitally
Now that we’ve got the digital/analog dilemma sorted out, realizing that analog is simpler and most likely is better for you, we drift back to digital. Why? Because it’s a simpler way to get your journal out to the masses, even if the masses simply refers to your direct family.…