Here’s a quick post for a cold Saturday morning here in Toronto. For centuries, Japan closed itself off from the rest of the world, even from close neighbours such as China. Through NHK, the national broadcaster for Japan, I’ve learned that the country had its own art and culture. This…
Canadian history - Japan - Journaling - Life of Brian - Mastodon - Oral/Written History - Uncategorized - Writing
Recording Personal Histories Digitally
Now that we’ve got the digital/analog dilemma sorted out, realizing that analog is simpler and most likely is better for you, we drift back to digital. Why? Because it’s a simpler way to get your journal out to the masses, even if the masses simply refers to your direct family.…
More Than Meets the Eye – Thoughts on how your native language might influence your life
This topic came to mind after watching many documentaries on NHK, Japan’s national broadcaster. Seeing dozens of Japanese craftspeople, workers, everyday people gave me the idea that a native language, such as Japanese or Chinese, might have a large influence on a person’s life. Stay with on this, it might…