It seems we’re living in the age of AI. It’s everywhere! We no longer have to rely on experts and their memories, we can simply ask AI for a solution. That’s great, as long as the solution is the correct one. I’ve had a toothache for over a week. It…
Everything and Nothing at All, Really – Just the state of things right now
It’s COLD in Toronto and will only get colder for at least the next week. The thermometer won’t creep above 0 C. and will go down to -11 C. most nights. So it’s ‘stay in the igloo’ time here. No matter what the weather I’ll walk outside every day. That’s…
NHK 72 Hours – There’s a story in every episode
NHK is the national broadcaster in Japan, similar to Canada’s CBC, England’s BBCs and ABC in Australia. The similarity is only in the acronym, however. NHK is head and shoulders above any of these networks, at least in my opinion. Every show or series that I watch gives me another…
The Holidays are Over. Back to Work!
This time of the year in Canada is a period of reminiscing with friends and family. ‘Remember when…’ is often heard in our conversations. In other parts of the world these feelings might come up at a different time for a different holiday. Maybe it’s the New Year, maybe a…
It’s Sunday, Time to Sum Up the Week – Why journaling is beneficial for seniors
A simple summing up on a very cold and frosty Sunday morning here in Toronto. I still managed to walk 4 KM, get Wordle in 2 guesses and perfect on Connections and Quizl. Each of those games is linked so if you’re looking for a challenge, check them out. Your…
Journaling - Life of Brian - Mastodon - music - nhk - Oral/Written History - Social Media - takei - Writing
Mastodon – A social media site that is strangely therapeutic
It’s cold in Toronto and I’m taking the weekend from developing ideas for my seminar on journaling. Today, it’s Mastodon. What’s Mastodon? It’s not just another social media site that steals your input, for one thing. You’re safe to share your stories, reflections, points of view, etc. I’ve found that…
Even Nobodies Have Stories
Journaling isn’t about keeping a diary, at least that’s not the impression I want to give you. If you’re a teenager, writing out your secret thoughts and dreams is almost a right of passage, a pun would be ‘a write of passage’. But you’re not a teenager. You’ve lived for…
Canadian history - Japan - Journaling - Life of Brian - Mastodon - Oral/Written History - Uncategorized - Writing
Recording Personal Histories Digitally
Now that we’ve got the digital/analog dilemma sorted out, realizing that analog is simpler and most likely is better for you, we drift back to digital. Why? Because it’s a simpler way to get your journal out to the masses, even if the masses simply refers to your direct family.…
Amazon Prime Music – Not Amazon Music, just the free one that comes with Prime.
If you subscribe to Amazon Prime, you already know that you get free shipping, free music, books and games, etc. It’s a great deal, I think. Yes, I own Amazon stock but that’s my only link to the company, other than the fact that I buy a lot of stuff…
Welcome to my new home.
I’ll get the old site over here to the new host at some point but for now, I’ll concentrate on sorting out new ideas and opinions plus some tech reviews and commentary, just like I used to on the old site. In February of 2024, I started a new ‘career’…