Japan - Journaling - Oral/Written History - Social Media - Tech

Genius Needed! – Is there anything like this out there?

I volunteer at a Japanese senior’s home. Communication in the home seems to be mainly on paper and email newsletters to the public. Paper notices seem old-fashioned to me, something people see but don’t read. If there were other ways to disseminate information to the residents, I think the residents would find it very helpful.

With that in mind, I put my thinking cap on and searched for a solution. I’d seen an episode of ’72 Hours’ on NHK, the national broadcaster in Japan. They spent 72 hours in Amami Oshima visiting a tiny radio station there. Here’s the link, I think you’ll find it interesting:

On the Radio in Amami Oshima

It occurred to me that something like this would be possible in a closed community. It would only be broadcasting for an hour or so a week and would update everyone on local news and updates on the week’s events. Maybe there’d be guests, either residents or staff who have something they want to share.

The question is, how? I haven’t figured that out yet. I’ll see if radio can be broadcast on Wi-Fi or maybe some type of kiosk with speakers and maybe a screen. Users could choose the current show,  maybe some music or a resident’s oral history, something else I’m working on at the home.

If you know anything about this kind of gadget, leave a comment below so we can discuss it further. Maybe I’m dreaming. If so, let me know!

Brian Mahoney

December 15, 2024

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