Pretty much everything I know about Japan comes from watching NHK World, the free streaming service sponsored by the Japanese government. While I’d love to go there, I’m probably too old. I wouldn’t want to go alone, that’s for sure and I really don’t like flying. So I’m stuck watching…
Everything and Nothing at All, Really – Just the state of things right now
It’s COLD in Toronto and will only get colder for at least the next week. The thermometer won’t creep above 0 C. and will go down to -11 C. most nights. So it’s ‘stay in the igloo’ time here. No matter what the weather I’ll walk outside every day. That’s…
Anime – What’s with the female voices?
Fresh from subscribing to Crunchyroll, I find myself wondering why every female character voice actor uses a cutesy, young teen or pre-teen voice. The male voice actors seem normal and the dubbed English female voices are as well. I have subtitles turned on with the original audio in Japanese. Every…
Iceland’s World Record – 1 in 10 Icelanders have published books
Who knew? I didn’t. This post turned up this morning on Mastodon. Iceland has more published writers per capita than any other country in the world, according to Guinness. With a population of 300,000, that works out to at least 30,000 writers who have published at least one book. Incredible!…
Happy New Year! – Almost…
It’s New Year’s Eve today and I’ll spend an hour or so adding tags to my previous posts. Tags help steer people towards my site. There’s no advertising on this site and never will be but part of the reason why I write is to share information on things that…
So Far, So Good – A roundup of what we’ve discovered.
Here is a list of reasons why journaling/blogging is beneficial for seniors. (Even if you’re not a senior, many of these may apply to you.) Sense of Purpose – Writing out your unique memories will give you a very real sense of purpose. You’re not empty, you’re a source of…
NHK 72 Hours – There’s a story in every episode
NHK is the national broadcaster in Japan, similar to Canada’s CBC, England’s BBCs and ABC in Australia. The similarity is only in the acronym, however. NHK is head and shoulders above any of these networks, at least in my opinion. Every show or series that I watch gives me another…
What’s Your New Year Resolution?
In 2023, my resolution was to walk at least 5 km per day. Believe it or not, that’s exactly what I did. Rain or shine, through snow and cold, I managed to keep my resolution. Have you ever made a resolution and kept to it? 2023 was the first time…
Does Your Day Have a Focus? – What is your goal every day?
To be honest, I was never a goal oriented person. These days however, I almost have more goals than I can handle. There is something to achieve every day, positive things that will help me and in the case of this blog and my volunteer work, help others. What gets…
The Holidays are Over. Back to Work!
This time of the year in Canada is a period of reminiscing with friends and family. ‘Remember when…’ is often heard in our conversations. In other parts of the world these feelings might come up at a different time for a different holiday. Maybe it’s the New Year, maybe a…