
Finally! A Dream that Made Sense – at least its origins did

Hey, I’m supposed to be retired right? Well, I’m busier now than I have been in years. Guess what? I’m loving it! But because my brain doesn’t shut off when it’s supposed to, I tend to wake up in the middle of the night with big, bright ideas racing around. This morning I was awake at 4 AM but before that I had a ridiculous but funny dream. If you dislike hearing about people’s dreams, leave now. If you want to see how images in dreams stem from real life experience, stick around.

The woman I was emailing back and forth yesterday, Thursday, appeared in my dream with some new telephone gadget. It looked like a small phone book, think of a shrunken Yellow Pages. It had small round lights in a row and some letters/digits at the top of the cover. I think they showed what type of signal the book was getting, 5G for instance. The book picked up phone signals but to use it, I needed a thing that looked like an eraser from a pencil. It was very similar to a pill, complete with different coloured halves.

Once I had the book, I wandered around with it, trying to see what signals I was getting. I got the impression that this was illegal but I thought to myself, “I’m not actually using the book because I don’t have the eraser part.” But I ended in a crowd of people who all had both book and eraser. They seemed to know that I didn’t have the eraser and they took the book away! Forcefully, too.

Where did this come from, I asked myself. Over the hours from 4 to 6 this morning, it began to make sense. The woman was my main contact at the charity where I volunteer. We’d been emailing about me helping people with tech things such as LINE. But I am also working on a podcast, maybe you remember from a previous post. I think the book represented LINE, mainly used on mobile phones.  Having the book snatched away from me represented podcast being turned down. Ah, but what about the eraser? Well, that came from the current anime series I’m watching on Crunchyroll, ‘Dr. Stone’. In it, the heroes are trying to make an antibiotic pill for a princess who is close to dying. (I think she just has asthma but they make it seem more serious.) The pill is a capsule, red on one end and white on the other.

There you have it. The source of one dream out of thousands. After I went back to sleep, I was in lost in a school somewhere. Fences were everywhere. That all came from a deathmatch I was in while playing Grand Theft Auto 5 Online yesterday. Yes, 72 years old and still playing video games.


Thanks for reading. Comment below if you feel compelled to share something with me.


Brian Mahoney

January 31st, 2025

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